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Recovery House Discharge and Recurrence-of-Use Template

Written by Sobriety Hub LLC | May 11, 2024 11:04:56 PM
  1. Introduction This policy outlines the types of discharges from the facility and the procedures associated with each. The policy ensures clarity and fairness in handling discharges, preserving the integrity and safety of the recovery environment.
  2. Types of Discharge
  • Successful Discharge: Occurs when a resident completes the program with compliance, provides two weeks’ notice, and has plans for continued recovery support.
  • Against Suggested Advice (ASA) Discharge: Occurs when a resident chooses to leave the facility against the advice of the staff.
  • Abandonment Discharge: Occurs when a resident leaves without notice and abandons their belongings.
  1. Discharge Procedures
  • Successful Discharge:
    • Provide two weeks’ notice.
    • Ensure personal belongings are removed, and the living space is undamaged.
    • Receive a continuing care plan and refund of the security deposit if applicable.
  • ASA Discharge:
    • Forfeit security deposit if leaving without the required notice.
    • Belongings left behind will be stored for 10 days before donation to charity.
    • Change security measures (e.g., combo locks) immediately following departure.
    • Document the discharge and notify emergency contacts.
  • Abandonment Discharge:
    • Similar to ASA discharge in terms of handling belongings and security measures.
    • No refund of security deposit.
    • Emergency contact will be notified.
  1. Recurrence of Substance Use
  • Policy: Maintaining a substance-free environment is critical for all residents.
  • Procedure: If substance use is detected:
    • Notify the house manager or designated staff immediately.
    • Offer transportation to a Detox Center or Hospital if the resident agrees.
    • Update the resident’s file and notify emergency contacts.
    • Resident must leave the facility if they refuse recommended care.
    • Re-entry may be considered after proof of sobriety and completion of higher-level care.
  1. Additional Rules for Returnees
  • Spend a minimum of 72 hours off property.
  • Submit to and pass a drug test upon return.
  • Follow strict guidelines regarding meetings and visitor privileges.
  1. Discretionary Discharge
  • The facility may discharge any resident involved in prohibited activities such as drug use, theft, or other violations of facility policies.


If you find this useful, check out other commonly used policy templates, including our: 

 Templates like these are coming soon in Sobriety Hub Forms, where you can share, collect e-signatures, and retrieve forms that automatically link to resident profiles! 


*Disclaimer: This document is provided as a template and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be and does not constitute legal advice. We are not a law firm and are not providing legal services. We make no warranties, representations, or guarantees about the legal or other consequences of using this document. The use of this template does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Laws and regulations vary by jurisdiction and may be subject to interpretation by different courts. The information in this template may not conform to the laws of your area. We strongly advise you to consult with a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction to ensure that all legal requirements are met for your particular situation and that your document is tailored to your needs.