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Sample Recovery House Grievance Policy and Statement of Resident Rights


Grievance Policy

Although minor concerns or complaints can usually be resolved informally within the residence, there may be situations where formal complaints will be filed. [Enter name of Recovery Residence] will make a written grievance procedures available to each of its residents who will be required to sign that they have received and understand the procedures.

Grievance Procedures

  1. All clients have the right and are encouraged to communicate his or her grievance to (Enter name of Recovery Residence) to the House Manager or other designated company representative. There will be no consequences or retaliation for the resident filing a grievance.
  2. All residents have a right to file a formal written grievance. The resident may request a form (a sample Grievance Procedure Form is provided on the following page) from the House Manager or other designated company representative. (Grievance Forms are also located at [insert location].
  3. Written grievances shall be forwarded to the [insert responsible party’s name or position and their address]. The name/position and address of where to send the completed grievance form will be printed on the grievance form. The form will also provide contact information for an alternative contact in the event that the owner, operator, House Manager, and/or their designee is the subject of a grievance.
  4. The timeframe for expedient resolution is two business days upon receipt of the complaint/grievance.
  5. Upon receiving the written grievance, the owner/operator/House Manager, shall review the complaint. If necessary to resolve the complaint, a request will be made to the resident who submitted the grievance to provide more information or to present the matter in person. A representative of the house, including another resident if related to the grievance, will have the opportunity to offer the reasoning behind the action taken. The goal of review will be to find a mutually acceptable recommendation based on the willingness of all concerned parties to focus on what is best for the house.
  1. The resident will be sent a written notice of the grievance outcome and steps for appealing the outcome including seeking the involvement of Recovery Residence oversight entities. (e.g., government organizations, licensing bodies, certification or accreditation entities, board of directors, etc.).



Statement of Resident Rights

A copy of the resident rights is required to be given to each resident when they move into the house and the resident must sign and date that they have received it. A copy must also be kept in a common area of the [enter name of residence].

Statement of Resident Rights

As a resident of [enter name of residence] you have rights that will be safeguarded during your stay. You have a right to:

  1. An environment that supports your recovery.
  2. Be free from verbal and physical abuse.
  3. Be treated with dignity and respect.
  4. Choose your own personal recovery goals.
  5. Participate actively in your recovery.
  6. Confidential records that are accessible only to designated persons and which can be released to others only with your written permission, except as allowed by state and federal law.
  7. Be referred to subsequent services upon leaving or transfer from this residence if necessary.
  8. Retain personal property that does not jeopardize your or others’ safety or health.
  9. Receive and send unopened mail.
  10. File a complaint to the owner/operator/House Manager without fear of retaliation and have the complaint addressed within a reasonable amount of time.
  11. Be fully informed before changes occur in these rights and responsibilities as well as to changes in policies and procedures should they occur.
  12. Not to be required to perform services for the residence which are not included in the usual expectations for all residents.


I have been informed of my rights as listed above.


Printed Name of Resident: __­­­­___________________________________________________


Signature of  Resident: ___________________________________________ Date: __________



**Disclaimer:** The above content was written by the Fletcher Group ( and is provided for example purposes only. For technical assistance and training tailored to recovery homes, we encourage you to reach out to the Fletcher Group directly. We are grateful for their expertise and appreciate the opportunity to share these valuable templates with our audience.
