[Enter name of Residence here]
Resident Agreement
The [enter residence name here] fee is [$ enter fee here] per week with a [$ enter deposit here] deposit. The deposit and the first week's fees are [$ enter fee & deposit here]. They are due upon admission and are the sole responsibility of the new resident unless a third party payee is involved.
House fees will continue to be due one week in advance (the resident will be paying for the upcoming week.) Residents who cannot cover their house expenses because they are unemployed or there is an issue with a third-party payee are to immediately bring this to the attention of the House Manager so that we can create a repayment plan for you.
It is understood that changes in employment may take place. Our responsibility is to assist you with your recovery, and financial challenges may arise during your time as a resident of the [enter name of residence here]. We are here to assist you if this situation comes up. It is especially important that you let the House Manager know of your need for a fee arrangement as soon as possible.
Any form of fee assistance (3rd Party) is to be approved by the [enter responsible party here]. A written notice and request for a refund of fees or deposits must be given [determine time] before moving out of the [enter name of residence here],or the house fee deposit will be forfeited. No deposit of house fees will be returned for stays less than seven days.
If a house recommendation has been made for you to seek alternative living arrangements due to your actions having been found to place the safety of the house or other residents at risk and in noncompliance with house guidelines, the deposit will be forfeited. (See the following policies that also reference discharge from the residence: Medication Policy, page 12; General House Rules, page 22; and Drug Testing Policy, page 25.
Personal property is the responsibility of the resident who must pack and remove their items upon moving from the residence. Items that are left behind will be held for 72 hours. At that point they become the property of the house and will be disposed of or donated.
Name (print): ____________________________________________ Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________________________________
**Disclaimer:** The following content was written by the Fletcher Group (https://www.fletchergroup.org) and is provided for example purposes only. For technical assistance and training tailored to recovery homes, we encourage you to reach out to the Fletcher Group directly. We are grateful for their expertise and appreciate the opportunity to share these valuable templates with our audience.