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Exploring Sobriety Hub's Houses Tab

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Sobriety Hub’s Houses tab offers essential features for streamlined community management. The tab includes robust organizational tools like inventory and maintenance logs, ensuring all managers stay informed and on track.

A shared timeline allows managers to post events, ensuring transparency and coordination between managers and administrators. Additionally, updates such as batch UA results are seamlessly integrated into residents' personal timelines as well as the house timeline, keeping everyone informed and accountable.

This comprehensive approach fosters a supportive environment where everyone stays informed and on the same page. Sobriety Hub’s Houses tab is designed to promote collaboration, organization, and effortless record keeping making it a vital resource for effective community living.


Customer Feedback about the Houses Tab:

“Assigning residents to beds not houses is a function that added tremendous value now when I'm on the phone and somebody's reaching out and we're in a situation where it's 10 o'clock at night they're going to sleep on the street that night if they don't find housing. I can just quickly go in there and I say I have a bed available… and I can get you in tonight.“

- Eric Parra

“One of the easy things is how it's categorized for us with all the housing we can just go to that one house and there are all the residents for that specific house. It' 's made of that much so I know pink is flourishes and I know yellow is Sunflower you can color categorize each home”

- Roseway Recovery House

“It's not even just about what bed they're in, you're tracking infractions you're tracking UA’s everything that has to do with the house meeting every week you go in there and you log a house event and you say hey this person was in at the meeting this person wasn’t. It logs it on the house's timeline and then tags it to the individual's resident profile so it's just an extremely powerful tool”

- Eric Parra